Everyone wants to have strong, muscular arms. 

For most people, their biceps are the most prominent muscle in their arms. For most people, the biceps are the first muscle to be targeted for a workout routine. 

But what about other muscles in your arm? Your triceps and forearms play a key role in giving you the shapely, toned appearance that you desire. You read that right! You can have arms comparable to a weightlifter in just two weeks. And the best part is, it doesn't require any equipment or extensive time commitment. 

 we will show you some simple exercises that can turn your arms into those of a bodybuilder. 

 How to Build Your Arms Like Bodybuilders Before we get started, it's important to understand the term "bodybuilder" in context. This is a style of workout that trains all of the major muscle groups (like your legs, back, shoulders, and midsection). A bodybuilder doesn't rely solely on biceps curls to build up their arms. They use a variety of exercises to get fit and build muscle. 

The arms are no exception. In fact, the most important part of your arm training is to focus on the biceps. The most common exercise used by bodybuilders is the biceps curl. But there are two things you need to know. First, you don't want to do a lot of reps with this exercise. A bodybuilder will only do anywhere from three to five sets of 10 to 15 reps. 

You're not building muscle by doing that many sets and reps. But you're training your biceps properly. You need to build the muscle and make it stronger. 

 Second, don't use a full range of motion with this exercise. A bodybuilder should lower the weight about halfway down the exercise. That way, he can get a full range of motion but use less weight. The range of motion is the distance from the top to the bottom. 

 checkout the video

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